In-House Treatment Works
We identified the need to reduce not only running and disposal costs, but also the Company’s carbon footprint. To do this we decided to invest in a sludge dewatering system to create our In-House Treatment Works.
Sludge Dewatering is the name given to the process of separating sludge into water and dry matter. The dewatering process uses a combination of flocculation and filtration, with end product being high quality water and dry cake. There are many benefits to this process and system.
Benefits to the environment
- Reduced mileage and emissions as sludge is being processed on site rather than being carried to water works;
- An efficient, small scale operation;
- The high-quality cleansed water is reused in our recycling jetting units to cleanse drainage systems, leading to a reduction of clean hydrant and tap water;
- The cake is used as an excellent agricultural fertilizer.

Benefits to the customer
- Faster response rate to customer service need;
- Help to fulfil environmental duties by knowing waste is being recycled in an efficient and effective way;
- Help public sectors bodies fulfil their obligations under the Welsh Government’s Future Generations Action 2015.
The plant was purchased in 2019 and is now fully operational. We have a WAMITAB qualified Manager who ensures compliance by managing the permitted waste facility and operations.